Thursday, September 15, 2011

Staying on track

I'm feeling really good as of late. I've lost about 4 more pounds in the past week, and I'm only 3 pounds away from a total of 20 pounds! The thing I'm really looking forward to is when I finally break the 200lb mark. But slow and steady is how I've got to do it. I think it's time for a gym tip.

Gym Tip #1
Feeling Comfortable
I think a lot of people feel nervous about going to the gym or working out in front of other people. My response to that is 95% of the time, no one is looking at you. Even if they are "looking" at you, in reality I can say that they are just looking in a direction. People at the gym normally have their headphones in and are concentrating on their on workouts. That being said, even consciously knowing that it's still hard to get over the feeling of being watched for some people. My best suggestion to people who have this fear is to definitely invest in headphones and an mp3 player of some sort, and just try to concentrate on the workout.

1 comment:

  1. Kate,

    I think you touched on a very good point here. Being self-conscious about things like that can idle people. Finding ways to help you focus on your workout and to try and not think about others is the way to go. I agree with your percentage on people watching you too.

    Congrats on that new 5K PR. Keep at it.

