Thursday, September 8, 2011

Training Tips and Gym Tips

So training is going really well, and I'm starting to get a good rhythm going. I'm really motivated, and I'm starting to see results in both my appearance and stats. Since I'm writing this blog with hopes to eventually help other people of all levels with their fitness endeavors, I have decided to add two series to my blog: Training Tips and Gym Tips. Training Tips will be about workout tips, cardio tips and weight training tips... basically these will be from a combination of personal experience and research. Gym tips will come along as I think of them, and will basically include gym etiquette, feeling comfortable and a rundown of gym equipment. These tips will be kind of random, and helpfulness will be subjective to your experience and/or sense of humor.

Training Tip #1
Cardio or Weight Training first?
This is kind of a personal preference thing in my opinion. Some people say it's better to do cardio last so your body can burn the available fuel in your stomach by weights first. My stance is that unless you are literally bodybuilding, you don't need that much fuel to lift. Also, you shouldn't lift without warming up anyway, so cardio first makes sense to me. Regardless, always make sure to warm up and cool down, and stretch. NEVER stretch while cold, you could pull something.

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