Thursday, July 28, 2011

Creating a Training Plan

I've always been an athletic person, and despite my weight fluctuations over time I have managed to stay decently fit. As of right now, I can't honestly say if I can run even a mile non-stop or not (to be determined). The idea of running 26.2 miles in one shot is pretty daunting at this point. However, I know that the key to success is preparing well. I have to train well and eat right, however, the latter will probably be harder for me in general.

I've created a training plan that consists of two main phases: mileage build-up and marathon training. The marathon is on May 27, 2012, so I have 43 weeks from this Sunday to prepare. That is approximately 10 months away. I have put the entire plan into a spreadsheet, which I have inserted below and I will keep the link on the sidebar.

I developed this schedule drawing from a range of sample schedules on the internet. Basically, I will be running 4-5 days a week, with cross training and weight training thrown in. The schedule has it set up that I have a long steady run on Sundays. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I will have shorter runs of varying intensity. Saturdays I will have an easier run. Monday, Wednesday and Friday will be cross training days (biking or swimming) and/or weight training days. I will be giving myself a day of rest a week, or a day with only light swimming to relax my muscles and joints. I will be increasing weekly distance totals by no more than 10%, so that I don't over do it. There will be 3 weeks of increasing mileage, and then a rest week of significantly decreased mileage. The last few weeks of the training before the marathon will be a "tapering off" period in which I will not run long distances before the race.

I will be discussing my various steps and progress in my training in more detail as time goes on (that wasn't enough detail?). Hopefully I can set an example for other people who might be struggling with weight or self-confidence.

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