Saturday, July 30, 2011

Calm before the storm

Tomorrow is day 1 of the training program, and hopefully the beginning of a new life for myself. My days until school starts will consist of the gym and organic chemistry... and some beach. Quite the combination right? My weight has not changed as of late, but I guess maintaining is better than gaining. I'm a little stressed however, due to the fact that Clarkson has not made up a financial aid package for me, and that's leaving me less and less time to apply for a private loan when they shortchange me again. My limited funds for survival until school starts are also dwindling, and I am unfortunately having to rely on my mom more for things, which I don't like to do. It's too bad I was not able to find a job this summer, at least one that was worthwhile. After my experience with the uber-religious/anti-gay/ignorant chiropractor, I received no more leads on any of the hundreds of applications I filled out. Thankfully, I had my graduation money to live off of, and a few weeks worth of paychecks to get me through. Overall, life is good.

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