Friday, August 5, 2011

Oh man...

Well, I meant to run the first 5K today to time myself, even if I walked/ran it. However, I got to about 1.5 miles, which is half way... and I got leg cramps in both legs. They weren't so severe that I was unable to walk, but needless to say that was the end of that run, haha. I'm having trouble getting myself motivated to keep on plan, even though it's only the beginning. I think it's overwhelming when I think of how much weight I need to lose to make my goal, and how much I need to improve my running. But, I guess I need to remind myself that I need to take it step by step. I have to focus on losing 5 lbs at a time, and running a little bit more each week. I want to try and find a workout buddy/running partner back at school. I hope that won't be too hard. Well, I'll keep updating this as we go along.

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