Monday, August 8, 2011

"I think we missed a turn..."

Well, my mom and I spent around 4 hours driving around the ghettos of RI (yes, those exist)outside of Providence. We were looking for a Kmart because we wanted to buy a few things for my nieces and nephews. We ended up driving in circles and through every ethnic neighborhood in existence. Irish, Italian, Chinese, Hispanic, etc. PS... the Italian neighborhood has red, green, and white stripes down the middle of the road instead of yellow... keeping it classy, haha. Anyway, we never found it and we are thoroughly convinced it is gone. So we had a yummy dinner at Newport Creamery. Unfortunately, this meant going to the gym rather late. But, all in all it was a good day.

Also, I took my online Organic 1 final yesterday, and got a 96%! So today I found out I got an A in the class! Woo!!

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