Saturday, August 6, 2011

First 5K

Today I ran my first 5K, with a time of 45:46. Well, it wasn't my first 5K (3.1miles) ever, but the first one I've timed. That time is pretty slow, but I half ran, half walked it so it's okay for now. I've been productive today so far: woke up at 8am, went to the library to fax stuff for student loans, and went to the gym. Yay! More yay? I have my organic final tomorrow. Yay! I get to be done with this class. Hopefully organic 2 will go just as smoothly. I think today is a good day to lay on the beach.


  1. Hey Kate,

    Good luck with your running and weight loss goals. You've taking an important step by running that 5k. It sounds like with a little training you'll be able to accomplish a lot more.

    Just don't overdo it. One of the most common reasons people fail to reach their goals is they get greedy and overdo it to a point of getting injured or where they hate the experience and lose motivation. Try to have fun with your training and cross-train too. Once you get into a running routine, you'll really look forward to it. Good luck. If you get a chance, stop by my blog and say hello. I have a number of posts about running. Perhaps there's something that can help you.


  2. Thanks for the feedback and luck Ken, I'm definitely going to need it. I've begun following your blog and I look forward to reading more tips from you!
