Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New Beginning

If you're reading this... welcome! I don't expect to get many viewers, if any, but I view this as a good way to keep myself accountable. I have decided that it is time to take charge of my life. After reaching an all time high weight of 230lbs at the beginning of the summer, I realize it's time to set some goals for myself. At this point, I have already lost 10lbs through minimal effort, but I have a long way to go. Therefore, I have decided to set a long term goal for myself that is not purely to lose weight: running a marathon.

Last May, my brother ran his first marathon in Burlington, VT. I have decided that by next May, I will run with him. Of course, I am well aware of the amount of preparation that will take, so I am giving myself approximately 10 months to do so. Since this large amount of weight has been put on over the past year and a half or so, and I have managed to stay relatively fit under my "padding", I am quite confident I will be successful. As for goals of finishing under a certain time? Well... let's get to that later.

I hope that this blog will be relatively entertaining, as I plan to document all my successes, failures, and embarrassments (pictures included!). As my grandfather said about fear and hesitation, "Shit or get off the pot!"

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